Document Details

Document Type : Article In Conference 
Document Title :
The Impact of Some Lace Fabrics Characteristics
تأثير بعض خصائص أقمشة الدانتيل علي تقنيات التشكيل علي المانيكان
Subject : Lace Fabrics Characteristics 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This research examines the relationship between some of the characteristics of lace fabrics like weight ,thickness ,draping ,elasticity and crease resistance and the quality of some dress-stand draping techniques, such as simple cowl ,radiating drapery , simple twist, two-pieces bias twist , simple flares and flares with gathers to know any techniques is more quality in draping and making with lace fabric depending on its characteristics, the researcher used descriptive and experimental curriculum .The selected techniques draped with lace fabrics and measured the mechanical properties of lace by tests then use Evaluation form to evaluate the quality of draped produced pieces by specialists in the draping on dress-stand field for judging the quality of the draping techniques, the results showed that there were statistical differences between the seven dress-stand draping techniques that with lace fabric , and recommended of the study examining the impact of the characteristics of the rest of lace fabrics (Tulle-guipure-Crochet) and their relationship to the different techniques of draping on the dress-stand. 
Conference Name : مؤتمر التطوير النوعى فى مصر والوطن العربى لمواجهة متطلبات سوق العمل فى عصر العولمة (رؤى استراتيجية) 
Duration : From : 9 إبريل AH - To : 10إبريل AH
From : 9 إبريل AD - To : 10إبريل AD
Publishing Year : 1429 AH
2008 AD
Number Of Pages : 35 
Article Type : Article 
Conference Place : Elmansoura University – Elmansoura – EGYPT 
Organizing Body : Elmansoura University 
Added Date : Friday, August 20, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ايمان عبد السلام عبد القادر حسنAbdelkader Hassan, Eman


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 32002.pdf pdf 

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